Creating a template in R using
I am using morton1306 as my template
Make sure the landmark txt files is in .tps file format:
LM3: 109
x y z
x y z
x y z
Open up R:
-change the working directory to the folder with the landmark and surface files of the template
-read in the specimen's landmarks and endocast files
morton1306_fixed_curve_landmarks <- readland.tps(file.choose())
morton1306ply <- read.ply(file.choose())
-Build the template using the buildtemplate() function.
buildtemplate(morton1306ply, morton1306_fixed_curve_landmarks, 900, ptsize=1, center=FALSE)
- This places 900 semilandmarks on the template surface and creates a template.txt file of the landmark points, an .nts file of the points and a surfslide.csv file that tells which ones slide
- read the template file into R
template <- as.matrix(read.table("template.txt", header=T, sep=" "))
To edit the template and remove landmarks you do not want:
use the
editTemplate() function in
it will allow you to choose a set number of landmarks to remove from the template and overwrite the template.txt file
it will
not edit the surfslide.csv file, you will need to edit this by hand
To edit the surfslide.csv file:
open in excel
determine how many surface
semilandmarks you now have
edit the file so that it shows a
continous column of numbers
from the next number after your fixed and curve
semilandmarks to the number of surface
semilandmarks there are
(I have 109 fixed/curve landmarks so my
surfslide file goes from 110 to 969)
To view the endocast surface with the
semilandmarks and landmarks:
>morton1306alllandmarks<- readland.nts("morton1306ply.nts")
> morton1306alllandmarks2d <- two.d.array(morton1306alllandmarks)
>plotspec(spec=morton1306ply, digitspec=morton11306alllandmarks2d, fixed=109 centered=FALSE)
a window will pop up with the surface and landmarks
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